When it comes to exporting products overseas, 企业在管理海外关系时,必须权衡大量监管方面的考虑. These include the International Traffic and Arms Regulation (ITAR), which the State Department administers, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which is overseen by the Commerce Department. ITAR的重点是出口最敏感的国防相关项目和服务.S. Munitions List (USML). The EAR, 另一方面, 适用于商业管制清单(CCL)所描述的范围更广的项目. 过去十年的出口管制改革也转移了许多不太敏感的军事物品, spacecraft, and firearms into the EAR’s jurisdiction.

每一套法规都涉及复杂的分类问题和遵从性问题, if improperly addressed, could lead to severe civil and criminal sanctions. 通过提出正确的问题并制定积极的解决方案,企业可以避免经常困扰企业适应出口合规性的许多常见错误. 以这种方式, 企业可以将注意力转向全球扩张和利润,而不必担心随之而来的出口技术问题.

以下是公司在熟悉ITAR和EAR时应该考虑的一些问题, and how they can avoid common issues associated with these rules:

1. Does the ITAR or the EAR even apply to my products and services?

At ECTI, 皇冠365官方app发现,公司在早期阶段犯的最大错误是,他们假设自己的产品, 技术, software, or services are necessarily subject to the ITAR or the EAR off the bat. This is an all-too-common misconception. 未能对你的监管义务进行最初的尽职调查,可能会不必要地使你的公司承受额外的合规负担, especially under the ITAR. 使用ITAR, companies will face added record-keeping, 登记, and overhead requirements compared to the EAR.  To confirm whether your organization will need to acquire an export license, 您必须确认您的项目和服务是否确实属于其中任何一项法规的管辖范围.

动作步骤: Review the USML first to assess whether something is subject to the ITAR.  Even if your item is not explicitly identified the USML, 一定要额外审查USML中使用“特别设计”一词的段落,以便将额外的项目置于ITAR控制之下. If the USML does not describe the item, 继续与EAR进行类似的程序,通过审查CCL来评估你的物品是否属于清单上的任何出口管制分类号码(ecns).

2. Do my company’s activities raise licensing requirements?

Under both ITAR and EAR, 你不需要在国际上运送一件实物物品来从事任何一项法律所认为的“出口”.根据ITAR, 例如, 在你的家庭办公室里,简单地谈判和分享与一笔简单交易相关的信息就可以被归类为“出口”,即使你在美国领土上这么做(这甚至可能被认为是武器中介). Even under the generally less restrictive EAR, 与受限制方名单上的实体进行普通业务可能会触发出口许可证要求. Therefore, 公司必须进行尽职调查,以评估他们开展业务的方式是否需要许可证,特别是因为这两套法规通常都不需要证明必要的意图来确定责任.

动作步骤: 与你的内部顾问和利益相关者一起制定公司在开展业务时通常采取的流程, shipping tangible products, and sharing intangible information and technical data. Afterward, 与您的内部出口专业人员和法律顾问合作,评估根据ITAR和EAR各自的定义,您的任何活动是否可以构成出口活动.

3. How should I classify my items?

正确分类你的物品是帮助你的公司避免严重制裁的关键. In 2021, Photonics Industries International learned this the hard way after exporting a shipment of laser systems that it self-classified as EAR99, a common classification which rarely triggers a license requirement. At the time Photonics shipped these lasers, BIS将这些产品归类于ECCN 6A005项目,并以反恐(AT)和国家安全(NS)为由对其进行管制. 结果是, Photonics entered into a $350,因未能获得出口这些激光器的许可证而与国际清算银行达成和解. Simply put, improper item classifications can subject your company to costly fines, settlements, consent agreements with relevant regulatory agencies, and other damaging costs.

动作步骤: ECTI offers numerous 课程包 and 按需网络研讨会 以分类专家为特色,他们可以在对产品进行分类时指导您解决常见问题. 您也可以通过向国务院申请商品管辖权(CJ)或通过商务部的SNAP-R门户网站提交分类请求,请求官方机构的分类意见.

4. Should I apply for a license, or does an exemption/exception apply?

最后,根据您的研究和尽职调查,您可能需要申请license. 当你这样做的时候, 你应该看看规则来评估你是否有资格获得豁免或例外. ECTI’s 课程包 for ITAR and EAR can also offer helpful tips in this area

Action Step (for EAR): If your items are subject to EAR, 有许多相当广泛的许可证例外,授权许多出口交易而不需要许可证. If it is a close case, 无论如何,您都应该申请许可证并提供有关您的项目的所有可用信息, transactional partners, and possible end uses. By filing a license application in this manner, 你将把决定你的物品是否需要出口许可证的责任转移给国际清算银行.


Resources Companies Can Review to Master EAR and ITAR Basics

幸运的是, 公司可以参考一些有价值的资源来评估他们的合规工作是否朝着正确的方向发展. Some worthwhile publications that compliance teams can look into include:

  • 商务部和国务院的合规项目指导方针和网站, which cover helpful FAQs, instructions, and guidance documents.
  • The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and 联邦公报 Notices, which lay out the regulatory standards and related amendments.
  • Dicta and preambles of relevant CFR provisions, 哪些可以提供有用的说明和例子来告知您的合规策略.
  • Established compliance frameworks, including the Nunn-Wolfowitz Report. 纳恩-沃尔福威茨报告概述了延续至今的以出口为导向的最佳做法, especially for ITAR compliance.
  • BIS online decision trees,提供 自动化工具 for determining ECCN classification issues.
  • Copies of recent consent orders and oversight agreements, which can highlight lessons from both the State Department and the Commerce Department on what not to do.

皇冠365官方app希望本文能够帮助您了解如何以正确的方式开始使用EAR和ITAR基础知识, and how these steps and considerations could apply to your company. As we said earlier, export compliance is a complex and detailed undertaking. 贵公司的投资依赖于100%遵守所有适用的出口法规和控制. That said, it is absolutely achievable—you can do it, 前提是你事先花必要的时间与一个已建立并广受好评的人保持一致 export compliance training partner who can guide you step by step toward compliance success.

Contact the 出口合规 Training Institute

Do you have questions about getting started with ITAR or EAR, or other export compliance challenges for your company? Visit fxjgbw.taxidalat24h.net to learn about our company, our faculty, our staff and our esteemed 出口合规 Professional (ECoP®) certification program. 找到即将到来的 e-seminars现场研讨会 and 生活皇冠365官方app, and to browse our catalog of 80-plus 按需网络研讨会visit our ECTI Academy. 您也可以致电皇冠365官方app540-433-3977了解更多信息.

斯科特Gearity is President of ECTI, Inc.

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